Question 20

Table Name: College

Relevant Table: College(Professor (Text), Department (text), Salary (INT))

Professor Department  Salary
John Computer Science 60,000
Van der Mechanical Engineering 57,500
Ackerman Physics 45,000
Suyash Mathematics 52,000
Simrit Computer Science 56,500
Jessica Computer Science 55,000
Jenny Personality Development 50,000

QUERY: Write a query that returns all the professors who either work in the "computer science" department or make more than 50,000.

Execute:       SELECT Professor, Department, Salary
                      FROM College
                     WHERE Department = 'Computer Science' OR Salary > 50000;


Professor Department  Salary
John Computer Science 60,000
Van der Mechanical Engineering 57,500
Suyash Mathematics 52,000
Simrit Computer Science 56,500
Jessica Computer Science 55,000