Keyword Research

What are Keywords?

Keyword is a term that is often used when you're working on SEO. Keywords are words or phrases that a searcher enters into search engines also called search terms or queries.

For example: I open up Google and type in "latest technology" this entire sentence is a keyword.

The keywords in web content and your website make it possible for people to find your site via search engines.

Search term is a keyword so the search engine is looking for the keywords in the index of the web. keywords are important elements of SEO and help you rank higher and show your Website.

Another example: Think your site is relevant to those people who are looking for cheap new mobile phones. So you want to show your site in search results when someone searches "cheap new mobile phones". So this is your keyword.

Developing a list of keywords is one of the first and most important steps in any SEO initiative.

Keywords are the foundation for all your efforts. It's worth the time and investment to ensure your keywords are relevant to your audience.

Where to add Keywords?

  • keyword in the page title 
  • keyword in the URL 
  • Keyword in the meta tag
  • keyword in the images.