Types of Keywords

Generally, there are three types of keywords-

  1.  Generic keywords
  2. Branded keywords and
  3.  Long-tail keywords.

 What are generic keywords?

 Generic keywords are very broad, uncategorized, and generic as the title suggests.

Example: Mobiles, when someone searches for mobiles and they've not decided what brand to go with.

So it's a good time to show them the brand. These keywords are very competitive and unspecific if your site ranks for a generic keyword it will receive a lot of traffic.

Generally, when you're starting a new Website you would want to stay away from generic keywords because big brands and billion-dollar companies are competing for them.

 What are branded keywords?

 Branded keyword is specific to a brand.

Example: If someone searches for "iPhone"  in this case the person is asking the search engine to just show them. "iPhone" only they're not interested in "Samsung"l or any other brand.

These types of keywords are relevant for enterprise-level business.

What are long-tail keywords?

these keywords are long and more specific.

For example: Mobile phones under 15k.

 They give consumers exactly what they're looking for. So as a new site or business, these are the keywords you need to target. You should mostly contain long-tail keywords but you can add a few generic or branded keywords as well.