Let's create a hover effect for an anchor (<a>) as shown below. where the text "YEAH" slides in from the top with a background color change when the user hovers over the link. So let's create it:


write an HTML for anchor <a> tag:

<a href="#">hover me</a>
  1. Anchor Element Styling (a):

    • Sets the background color, font size, display type, text decoration, text transformation, text color, border, padding, position, and overflow properties for the anchor element.
    • This styles the anchor as a button-like element with a specific appearance.
/* Style for the anchor element */
a {
    background-color: rgb(51, 49, 49);
    font-size: 1.2rem;
    display: inline-block;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    color: #eee;
    border: .2rem solid white;
    padding: 1.5rem 3rem;
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;


  1. Create a pseudo-element for the Hover Effect (a::before):

    • Creates a pseudo-element before the anchor element (the ::before pseudo-element).
    • Sets its content to "YEAH," positioning it at the top-left corner of the anchor element.
    • Makes it take up the full width and height of the anchor element.
    • Uses flex properties to center the "YEAH" text vertically and horizontally.
    • Sets a background color (#f83939) and initially moves it above the anchor using transform: translateY(-100%).
    • Applies a transition effect with a duration of 0.8 seconds for all properties.
/* Pseudo-element for the hover effect */
a::before {
    content: 'YEAH ';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    z-index: 1;
    background-color: #f83939;
    transform: translateY(-100%); /* Initially, hide above the anchor */
    transition: all .8s; /* Smooth transition for all properties over 0.8 seconds */
  1. Hover Effect (a:hover::before):

    • When the user hovers over the anchor element, this CSS block is activated.
    • It moves the pseudo-element with "YEAH" text back to its original position (translateY(0)), causing it to slide in from the top.
    • This creates a hover effect where the text "YEAH" appears with a background color change when hovering over the link.
/* Hover effect */
a:hover::before {
    transform: translateY(0); /* Move the pseudo-element to its original position */

Now when you hover over the link, the "YEAH" text slides in from the top, and the background color changes to create a visually appealing interaction.

See Demo: Codepen