Have you ever encountered a website with a web animation? And then you think, yeah, that's fantastic, I want to do that, but it's too complicated and beyond your abilities. Well, I'm here to inform you that it most clearly is not. 

 Welcome to the CSS Animations, Transitions, and Transforms Creativity Course. CSS Animation is gradually becoming a necessary design element that is increasingly being used to assist our users in understanding and interacting with our websites. It's unquestionably the next big step in CSS. It has the potential to do incredible things. It's all up to your imagination. It brings your website to life and improves the user experience. And, as we all know, a better user experience leads to a better reputation and more satisfied visitors.

So CSS Animations, Transitions, and transforms are critical skills for any web developer nowadays, and you are at the right place to learn. In this course, you'll learn CSSAnimations, Transitions, and Transforms from the ground up. Not only that, but we'll get our hands dirty and create numerous examples together so you'll have ideas and inspiration to help you create any sophisticated animation you can think of.

first, you will learn concepts and then create some beautiful examples😎 so that you have a better understanding of how to use those concepts. We'll go over all of the transform functions that may be used in two and three dimensions. Then comes the exciting part. will do some button hover effects, followed by some picture hover effects, and so much more.

 we'll also do CSS Animations and Keyframes, where we'll learn everything there is to know about them and their various features.

By the end of this course, you will understand how any online animation works and will have created 100 different animation examples with various ideas that will inspire you and help you boost your creativity and stand out from other web developers.

So, if you're as pumped as I am, then let's start😊.